DEVCOM S&T-I – Partnerships

DEVCOM Headquarters Science & Technology Integration division (S&T-I) serves as the primary interface across the science and technology enterprise and identifies, synchronizes and manages activities to support the Global Strategy and Engagement Plan. By working hand in hand with the Department of the Army and the Secretary of the Army, DEVCOM executes the armaments cooperation program, supports bilateral engagements with U.S. allies, and delivers results in accordance with international agreements and memorandums of understanding.

DEVCOM’s S&T-I International Partnerships Office shapes the Army Modernization Enterprise by identifying world-class research and technology innovations. The S&T-I International Partnerships team generates collaboration opportunities with industry, academia and partner allies, and they interface with Army Futures Command Forward Elements in the Americas, Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions. Through these collaborations, DEVCOM S&T-I International supports Combatant Commands, Army Forces Command and theater Army Service Component Commands to improve Army capability, interoperability and system design for our nation’s Soldiers.

AFC Forward Elements identify and enable cooperative S&T opportunities and U.S. Army interaction with international governments, industry and academia. This helps to promote interoperability among allies and facilitate foundational research that results in the development of capabilities and partnerships that support the U.S. Army. Key research areas include: autonomy; robotics; artificial intelligence; materials; cyber and information sciences; microelectronics; and synthetic biology.

DEVCOM’s seven technology centers and research laboratory have International Points of Contact that serve as the entry point for international projects. The IPOCs provide management, oversight and coordination of international activities and engagements within their center or lab, support the Army’s international armaments cooperation mission, and help sustain the Army’s standardization and interoperability mission with allies.

AFC Forward Element Americas is headquartered is in Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and has subordinate offices strategically located throughout North and South America. AFC Forward Element – Americas engages with allies and partners in support of Army Modernization, promote interoperability through collaborative research endeavors, and support theater engagements to strengthen the U.S. Army’s position as the ‘Partner of Choice’ in the region. It also partners with international academia and industry in the region to expedite emergent technologies for Warfighters.

AFC Forward Element Atlantic is headquartered in London, United Kingdom, and has subordinate offices strategically located in the United Kingdom, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. AFC Forward Element – Atlantic engages with allies, partners and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to support Army Modernization, promote interoperability through collaborative research endeavors, and execute theater engagements to strengthen the U.S. Army’s position as the ‘Partner of Choice’ in the region. AFC Forward Element – Atlantic also seeks international technology and basic and applied research that will benefit Army Modernization efforts. 

AFC Forward Element Info-Pacific is headquartered in Fort Shafter, Hawaii, but is also covers the Northeast Asia region for international collaboration and technology search.  AFC Forward Element – Indo-Pacific engages with allies, partners and the American, British, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand Armies Program to support Army Modernization, promote interoperability through collaborative research endeavors, and execute theater engagements to strengthen the U.S. Army’s position as the ‘Partner of Choice’ in the region. AFC Forward Element – Indo-Pacific searches for international technology and basic and applied research that will benefit Army Modernization efforts.

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