DEVCOM Ground Vehicle Systems Center


The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Ground Vehicle Systems Center, located at Detroit Arsenal in Warren, Michigan, is the nation’s laboratory for advanced military automotive technology.

The DEVCOM Ground Vehicle Systems Center is one of eight science and technology domains within the command, which has the mission to ensure decisive overmatch for unified land operations to empower the Army, the joint warfighter and the nation.

The center’s mission is to research, develop, engineer, leverage and integrate advanced technology into ground systems and support equipment throughout the lifecycle.

More than 1,000 researchers and engineers at the DEVCOM Ground Vehicle Systems Center develop and maintain vehicles for all U.S. Armed Forces, many federal agencies and more than 60 foreign countries.

The organization drives the state-of-the-art in ground vehicle robotics and autonomy, survivability, power and mobility, intelligent systems, maneuver support and sustainment. GVSC researches, develops, engineers and integrates advanced technology into ground systems and support equipment, from smaller, lighter, more mobile platforms to the largest of the Army’s ground vehicles, while developing enhanced lightweight armor for better ballistics protection, enhanced fuels and lubricants, and water supply and waste water treatment capabilities.

The center leads several Army science, technology, research and development efforts collaborating with the Army’s combat developers to ensure that it fields robust equipment that meets aggressive cost, schedule and performance standards.

Focus areas

  • Autonomous Systems
  • Ground Vehicle Robotics
  • Vehicle Power and Mobility
  • Vehicle Electrification
  • Electronics Architecture
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Ground Vehicle Survivability and Protection
  • Advanced Modeling, Simulation and Software
  • Vehicle Sustainment Engineering
  • Force Projection Technology
  • Experimental Prototyping

Learn more about the DEVCOM Ground Vehicle Systems Center by visiting its website:

Point of Contact:
DEVCOM Ground Vehicle Systems Center Public Affairs Office

Public Affairs Office Mailbox:

Address for Mail Correspondence:
DEVCOM Ground Vehicle Systems Center
ATTN: Public Affairs Office
6501 E. 11 Mile Road
Building 200A, MS 204
Detroit Arsenal, Michigan 48397-5000


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